giovedì 3 aprile 2014

Countable & Uncountable

Ciao a tutti, per esercitarvi sulle lezioni di questa settimana andate nella sezione in alto "Countable & Uncountable".
Per chi non la trovasse...Il link è questo:

Buon Lavoro!


giovedì 6 febbraio 2014

Today the exibition about the famous work of Vermeer '''The girl with the pearl earring'' has started. It's a wonderful exibition with paintings from Vermeer to Rembrandt, there are also the suggestive views of Dutch painters such as Jacob van Ruisdael, Jan van Goyen, Meindert Hobbema belonging to the late seventeeth century.In the last room there is "the girl with the pearl earring".I tried a moment of real emotion, the brightness of the picture is sublime. Her gaze follows you wherever you go and it seems moving. If you think that it was painted when the camera didn't exist and photos weren't yet able to capture the instant of a gaze, it's unbelievable, without words. This is my painting of " the girl with the pearl earing", It's an interpretation of a girl who's not a girl anymore but a woman with a sure certainty about the positivity of the reality.

mercoledì 5 febbraio 2014

The Book Thief - Official Trailer

This is a film about a young girl's life in Germany from 1938 to 1945, during which her brother dies, her mother disappears, the Nazis come looking for the young Jewish man hiding in the cellar, a parade of Jews passes the end of the street en route to or from the death camps - 
Read more:

lunedì 20 gennaio 2014

domenica 19 gennaio 2014

  • Why is Shakespeare famous?

    Who was William Shakespeare?
    William Shakespeare is one of the world's greatest writers. He wrote playsfor the theatre. He wrote poetry too.
    Shakespeare was born in Stratford-upon-Avon, in England. Later he went to London, to be an actor. But he became famous for writing plays. His friends said he was the best writer of his time. Most people now say he was the best of all time.
    Why is Shakespeare so famous?
    Shakespeare lived more than 400 years ago. Yet people still go to see his plays.
    Shakespeare plays are performed all over the world. Students study Shakespeare in school and at university. People write books about Shakespeare. There are Shakespeare theatres and Shakespeare festivals.
    When did Shakespeare live? 
    William Shakespeare was born in 1564. He grew up in Tudor England in the time of Queen Elizabeth I.
    He lived in exciting times. Francis Drake sailed around the world (1577-1580). Shakespeare was probably in London when the Spanish Armada sailed to attack England in 1588. He saw the coronation of King James I in 1603. 1605 was the year of the Gunpowder Plot and Guy Fawkes. Shakespeare died in 1616.

    • An original Shakespeare manuscript, held by the Folger Shakespeare Library.
    • This death mask is believed to be Shakespeare's. In Shakespeare's time people often made a wax or plaster cast made of a person's face following their death as mementos, or to make portraits.
    • The title page of the first complete edition of Shakespeare's plays. Shakespeare didn't publish his plays during his lifetime. The first collection of his work was produced by his friends after his death.
    • The work room of Shakespeare's house, New Place, in Stratford-upon-Avon.
    • Shakespeare's Globe Theatre burned down in 1613. This modern version was built a few yards from the site of the original.
    • In 1599 Shakespeare had the original Globe Theatre built in Southwark for his theatre company.
    • One of the very few copies of Shakespeare's signature is found on his will. Shakespeare died a month after this will was written.
    • The opening pages of the first complete edition of Shakespeare's plays from 1623.
    • A recently discovered poem written by William Shakespeare.
    • A portrait of Shakespeare sat at his desk.
    • The cover of the first edition of William Shakespeare's 'Sonnets', dated 1609.
    • An imagined portrait of William Shakespeare at 12, from painting by J. Sant.

  • Why is Henry famous?

    The king with six wives
    Henry was the King of England who had six wives. But Henry did lots of other things besides marrying six times. He wanted to make England strong. Most of all, he wanted a son to be king after him.
    When did he live?
    Henry was born in 1491. In English history, the time when he and his family lived is known as the Tudor age. Tudor was Henry's family name.
    Henry lived at a time of changes. People had new ideas in art, science and religion. They sailed off to explore new lands. Henry died in 1547. Three of his children ruled England after him.
    Why do people remember Henry?
    Paintings of Henry VIII show a big, fierce-looking man in fine clothes. He looks scary, and many people were scared of him. If the King did not get his way, he got cross. People who made him cross risked having their heads chopped off!
    As a young man, Henry was handsome and clever. He was good at sport, music and dancing. He wanted to be a soldier and a famous king.

A silver coin with Henry VIII's face on it.
    • Henry VIII's suits of armour on display at the Tower of London.
    • Henry VIII on his way to a jousting tournament wearing his armour and riding a horse. Courtiers are holding the flaps of the tent so that the he can be seen.
    • A portrait of Henry VIII who was crowned king at the age of 18.
    • A portrait of Henry VIII as a young boy, around 12 years old.
    • Henry VIII hated paperwork, and to avoid having to sign papers himself, he had a stamp made of his own signature.
    • Henry VIII with his son Edward, whose mother was Henry's third wife, Jane Seymour.
    • Henry VIII's sword of state that is said to have been given to him by the Pope.
    • Henry VIII and his six wives: Anne of Cleves, Catherine Howard, Anne Boleyn, Catherine of Aragon, Catherine Parr and Jane Seymour.

mercoledì 1 gennaio 2014

New year's eve in London

London fireworks
Dear friends and students here are the new year's eve from all over the word.

                         Happy new year and wishes for happiness, and joy 

The event began 5:55 p.m. ET and ended after the crystal ball dropped at midnight to celebrate the beginning of 2014 — it included musical performances, celebrity interviews and the iconic ball drop atop the One Times Square building.

mercoledì 25 dicembre 2013

Merry Christmas


Christ come among us at Christmas.It is the perfect time for a personal encounter with the Lord. Christmas celebrations are often full of sound. It would be good for us to make room for silence, to hear the voice of Love.            
The Pope Francis from twitter@pontifex

lunedì 9 dicembre 2013

Dear pupils,
remeber: in this blog there are some rules
1 ) Only speak English!!

2) Do not publish things with violent, sexual or political meanings. We don't want to argue and violence is not an educational issue

3) Let's chat together and  most of all enjoy

The teacher

Nelson Mandela's Life

A Look at Nelson Mandela's Life
nelson mandela

Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela was born on July 18, 1918 on the eastern coast of Africa in Mvezo. When his father died  Nelson was nine and he was raised by royalty. As a result, he was the first person in his family to attend school. Later on, in his youth, he became an activist with the African National Congress. Knowing the power of young people, he started the African National Congress Youth League.
Mandela began actively participating in politics in his thirties, when he led the Defiance Campaign in 1952 and the 1955 Congress of the People. His campaigning soon hit a brick wall in 1956, when he was charged with high treason against the government, along with 155 other activists. He, along with the rest of the activists, were later acquitted.

A short biography of the Beatles

 A short biography of the Beatles

 Gli anni Sessanta sono segnati da una grande rivoluzione ideologica e culturale che parte dai giovani di allora e arriva fino alla generazione successiva. Sono gli anni del progresso tecnologico, dell’emancipazione femminile e delle lotte razziali. I Beatles sono parte di questa grande rivoluzione.
La storia dei Beatles, uno dei maggiori fenomeni della musica rock e di quella pop contemporanea, ha inizio a Liverpool il 6 luglio 1957, quando i giovanissimi John Lennon e Paul McCartney incrociano i loro destini sul palcoscenico della Woolton Parish Church, nel corso di un concerto rock in cui sono chitarristi in due diversi gruppi musicali. Dalla loro collaborazione nasceranno, tra il 1962 e il 1970, una serie memorabile di successi musicali.

All Past Irregular Verbs

In this link there are all past irregular verb.

Personal Presentation of Andrea

This is my (very short) description. (it's also a try to post)

Hi. I'm Andrea. I'm 12 years old. I 've got brown hair,brown eyes, i'm tall and i'm fat.

domenica 8 dicembre 2013

Roald Dahl

Here are the next lessons that Christina has prepered for you. Have a look!
I added the video of  the Beatles'song: HELLO GOODBYE., so you can follow with your text and complete the blanks

giovedì 5 dicembre 2013


Ciao a tutti!
Benvenuti nel blog della classe 2F della materia di inglese. Qui potrete pubblicare tutto quello che volete inerente l'inglese e la cultura inglese.

Buona Navigazione!!

Prof. Droghini Barbara