Countable & Uncountable


Write if the following names are countable or uncountable
Puoi scrivere le tue risposte nelle caselle di testo (attenzione: non vengono

Per vedere le risposte corrette, seleziona con il mouse lo spazio 

bianco dopo il simbolo  
Se hai un tablet oppure uno smartphone ricopia tutto l'esercizio su una 
app di note o di word processing e vedrai tutto in chiaro!

1) Coin     
2) Picture     
3) Electricity     
4) Information     
5) Cheese     
6) Money     
7) Hat     
8) Price     
9) Love     
10) Music     


Write if the following sentences are right or wrong. If wrong, correct them!
Puoi scrivere le tue risposte nelle caselle di testo 

(attenzione: non vengono memorizzate!)
Per vedere le risposte corrette, seleziona 
con il mouse lo spazio
bianco dopo il simbolo  
Se hai un tablet oppure uno smartphone ricopia tutto l'esercizio su una app
di note o di word processing e vedrai tutto in chiaro!

1) I’ve got a coin in my pocket.     
2) This is a very useful information.
 Wrong. Correction: This is very useful information.
3) There’s some water on that table.
4) She doesn’t want a milk.
 Wrong. Correction: She doesn’t want any milk.
5) Two friends of mine are playing chess now.
6) The butter is good for you.
 Wrong. Correction: Butter is good for you.
7) There are two apples on that table.
8) Can I have an oil?
 Wrong. Correction: Can I have some oil?
9) A book is falling off the shelf.
10) Can you come? I need a help! 
 Wrong. Correction: Can you come? I need help!


Make correct sentences from the following words 
Puoi scrivere le tue risposte nelle caselle di testo (attenzione: 

non vengono memorizzate!) Per vedere le risposte corrette, seleziona 
con il mouse lo spazio bianco dopo il simbolo  
Se hai un tablet oppure uno smartphone ricopia tutto 

l'esercizio su una app di note o di word processing e 
vedrai tutto in chiaro!

1) a on the square bowl there’s vegetable of table soup

 There’s a bowl of vegetable soup on the square table.
2) a would tea like you cup of?

 Would you like a cup of tea?
3) has my long hair green sister eyes and blonde

 My sister has long blonde hair and green eyes.
4) she loaf bread bought a of and cheese some

 She bought a loaf of bread and some cheese.
5) in sugar how want coffee much do you your?

 How much sugar do you want in your coffee?
6) much did yesterday wine how drink you?

 How much wine did you drink yesterday?
7) she’s her pencils red in got three bag

 She’s got three red pencils in her bag.
8) we to a of and buy a kilogram litre have sugar milk of

 We have to buy a kilogram of sugar and a litre of milk
9) I thirsty so a of was I drank glass water

 I was thirsty, so I drank a glass of water.
10) wonderful this is news!

 This is wonderful news!

Listen to this page using ReadSpeaker

1. Write c for countable and u for uncountable:
   time -          books -        sugar -       milk -       pens -          hair -             chairs - 
   meat -         butter -        pencils -     bread -     jam -           friends -        fingers - 
  flour -          apples -       oil -             cars -       salt -             houses -          cheese - 
  rice -           tea -            games -       tomatoes -    cream -     honey -       carrots - 
 a)  a / an + singular countable noun ( a pen, an apple)     some  + plural countable nouns - positive sentences ( There are some cars)
                                                                                      some +  uncountable nouns - positive sentences  ( There is some oil)     
  any - we use any in negative sentences and in most questions.(countable and uncountable nouns)  I don't have any pens. There isn't any salt.      
           Do you have any sisters?
2. Choose a, an, some or any
a)  It is  dog.                             b) Have you got   friends?                      c)  I bought  milk.
d) Linda has not got  pets.        e) There is  orange on the table.              f) Tim eats  cheese every day.
g) We don't have   bread.        h) My brother found  money.                  i) My sister found  pen.
j) Do you have  eggs?             k) There are  students in the classroom.   l) Is there  pencil on the desk?      
 b) how much - we use with uncountable nouns               how many - we use with countable nouns.
3. Choose How  much or How many
a)   cheese do you buy?
b)  books are there in your bag?
c)  films did Tom see last week?
d)  money do you spend every week?
e)  friends does Linda have?
f)  sugar do we need?
g)  tomatoes are there in the fridge?
h)  meat are you going to buy?
i)  milk did you drink yesterday?
j)  apples do you see?


An exercise by Montse Morales for The English Learning Website.

Choose the best option. Then press "Check".
If you need help, you can click on the "Hint" button to get a free letter. If you want to see the answer, press "Show answer". Remember that you will lose points if you get help.
 1 / 20  
  1. ninya.gif
    1.   Countable
    2.   Uncountable

What's wrong?

Please correct the following sentences:
1.I have an information to give you.
2.How many money does he earn?

Put "much", "many", "a little" or "a few" into these sentences:

1.Are there  products of that type on the market?
2.How  time have you got?
3.I've had  ideas about the design of the packaging.
4.He doesn't earn  money.
5.There are only  women in the engineering profession.
6.Their busy period is during the winter months. They don't have so work to do in the summer.
7.Can you spare me  time please? I'd like to talk to you about some ideas I've had.
8.There aren't  trains after eleven in the evening.
9.Would you like  more coffee?
10.I won't be free until 10 o'clock. I have to see  people before our meeting.

Fill in: a few / few/ a little / little
1.We must be quick. We have ... time.
2.Listen carefully! I' going to give you ... advice.
3.Do you mind if I ask you ... questions?
4.This town is not a very interesting place to visit. So ... tourists come here.
5.I don't think Jill would be a good teacher. She's got ... patience.
6.Would you like milk in your coffee? Yes please, ... .
7.This is a very boring place to live. There's ... to do.
8.Have you ever been to Paris? I've been there ... times.

My Score:
The correct answers:

Fill in: a few / few/ a little / little
1.I can't lift this box on my own. I need ... help.
2.... tourists visited Iraq in 2006 because of the war there.
3.The postman doesn't often come here. We get ... letters.
4.The snow was very deep. We have ... hope to travel today.
5.John isn't finding it easy to fix the shelves. He 's having ... trouble.
6.Sarah is tired. She's having ... days' holiday next week.
7.David likes golf, but unfortunately he has ... ability.
8.I can speak ... words of Chinese, but I'm not very fluent.

My Score:
The correct answers:

Fill in: a few / a little
1.I bought ... presents today.
2.She only has ... luggage with her.
3.We need ... tomatoes for this meal.
4.I have ... money.
5.My father gave me ... advice.
6.Can you wait ... minutes?
7.Shall I make you ... sandwiches?
8.Could you give me ... water, please?

My Score:
The correct answers:

engVid quiz

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Test your understanding of the English lesson by answering these questions. You will get the answers and your score at the end of the quiz.

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